Everything seemed to be going well at the beginning of 2020, with reasonably exciting prospects. Instead the scenario, even in Sicily, changed suddenly: commercial circuits were blocked, foreign markets unexpectedly closed, difficulties arose that were neither foreseen nor imagined. All the Sicily players in wine tried to react with creativity: there have been problems (and there still are), but the wine planet has responded with energy and conviction, despite experiencing difficulties that have often led to understandable delays in bottling.
Sicilian wine and the generation change
From our observation point the scenario is still exciting, due to the constantly growing average quality, the liveliness, the technical-cultural evolution of the sector, the increasingly evident (and winning) combination of terroir and native grapes. Looking closely we also note something else that very important and incisive, which opens up new horizons. Many wineries have (or are in the process of) operating a generational transition: new subjects are at the helm, younger people, almost all with experience and an international vision, dynamic and motivated, who are giving new life and energy, strong of their significant studies, of long and important experiences outside the region, of new sensibilities.
The great cultivars of Sicily and the Etna continent
Another puzzle piece, a further acquisition is added to this exciting scene: catarratto, grillo, inzolia, zibibbo, carricante have now finally become - both concretely and in the collective imagination - great native cultivars at the base of great wines. There are 26 Tre Bicchieri winners in Sicily this year, which confirm the state of this wonderful land's condition, a continent that surprisingly includes another, Etna. We highlight only the novelties: the Cerasuolo di Vittoria Il Para Para '17 from Poggio di Bortolone is a happy marriage between terroir and native grape varieties. Tre Bicchieri, for the first time, also bestowed to the surprising Etna Bianco Trainara '18 by Generazione Alessandro. Lastly, Etna Rosso Qubba '18 of Monteleone, by Giulia Monteleone and Benedetto Alessandro, takes the highest position on the podium.
Cerasuolo di Vittoria Giambattista Valli '18 - Feudi del Pisciotto
Cerasuolo di Vittoria Il Para Para '17 - Poggio di Bortolone
Etna Bianco Alta Mora '19 - Alta Mora
Etna Bianco Arcuria '18 - Graci
Etna Bianco Pietrarizzo '19 - Tornatore
Etna Bianco Trainara '18 - Generazione Alessandro
Etna Rosso Contrada Santo Spirito Part. 468 '16 - Palmento Costanzo
Etna Rosso Erse Contrada Moscamento 1911 '17 - Tenuta di Fessina
Etna Rosso Lenza di Munti 720 slm '17 - Nicosia
Etna Rosso Passorosso '18 – Passopisciaro
Etna Rosso Qubba '18 - Monteleone
Etna Rosso San Lorenzo '18 – Girolamo Russo
Etna Rosso V. Barbagalli '17 - Pietradolce
Etna Rosso V. Vico Prephylloxera '17 – Tenute Bosco
Etna Rosso Zottorinoto Ris. '16 - Cottanera
Faro '18 – Le Casematte
Malvasia delle Lipari Passito '19 - Caravaglio
Passito di Pantelleria Ben Ryé '17 - Donnafugata
Salealto Tenuta Ficuzza '18 - Cusumano
Sicilia Catarratto V. di Mandranova '18 - Alessandro di Camporeale
Sicilia Chardonnay V. San Francesco Tenuta Regaleali '18 - Tasca d'Almerita
Sicilia Mandrarossa Cartagho '18 - Settesoli
Sicilia Nero d'Avola Saia '18 - Feudo Maccari
Sicilia Perricone Furioso '17 - Assuli
Sicilia Perricone Ribeca '15 - Firriato
Sicilia Zibibbo Al Qasar '19 - Rallo