Pub, pizzeria, and much more: the historic Woodstock on the Navigli celebrates its first 55 years

May 13 2024, 15:39
Fabio D’Alterio, along with his brother Patrizio, happily continues a family tradition that keeps the pub, pizzeria, and much more, always on the crest of the wave. On Friday, May 24th, the beloved venue for Milanese and beyond turns 55, and to celebrate the occasion, there will be a super 70s-themed party

by Simona Sirianni

In less than two weeks, it will be 55 years old, but the historic Woodstock on the Navigli in Milan, the meeting place for night owls and now also a reference point for the happy hour of the 2000s, doesn't seem to feel its advancing age.

Happy Birthday Woodstock

Fabio D’Alterio, along with his brother Patrizio, happily continues a family tradition that keeps the pub, pizzeria, and much more, always on the crest of the wave. Milanese patrons love it a lot, even when Fabio and Patrizio's mom and dad were there: it was just a bar back then, but it didn't take long to add a pizzeria as well.
Clearly, along with pizza, beer couldn't be missing, the favorite pairing of Italians: from 200 types a year, today the venue offers a choice of at least 600 varieties from around the world, displayed scenically above and inside the refrigerated display cases located at the entrance, plus 20 different draught specialties. Following that came 80 different cocktails, the pub with sandwiches, hamburgers, express dishes, grilled meat, and appetizers with bruschetta and crostini. But not only that.

Pizza, meat, and crostini, but after Oasis, also vegan dishes

Indeed, as Fabio and Patrizio learned in unsuspecting times when one evening in May 2000, Oasis entered Woodstock and ordered a vegan dish, and the two owners had to come up with it on the spot, today that experience is engraved on the menu, where the two owners have always left the dish of grilled eggplants and zucchini, baked vegetables, and mozzarella that they had proposed to the legendary band.

Beer, a great passion

Beer, however, remains a cornerstone, on which the owners rely heavily, specifying that their choice is not random, but has a precise objective: certainly to offer something special to drink, but also to spread and promote an authentic and inclusive beer culture. Because every beer, say Patrizio and Fabio, has its own uniqueness to discover. And that's why at Woodstock they don't look at labels but look at the true character of each beer without prejudice.

Not only Oasis at Woodstock

In all this long life, as often happens in Milan, a city where artists of all kinds land, even at Woodstock, there have been no shortage of incursions by big names and familiar faces, including musicians, actors, and athletes. The D’Alterio brothers have opened their doors to footballers Beppe Bergomi, Gianluca Vialli, and Evaristo Beccalossi. But also, to cross the threshold of Woodstock, there have been Leone di Lernia, DJ Ronnie Jones, Tullio d'Episcopo, and Roy Paci.

Night after night, the years have passed, but nobody noticed, despite this year being the 55th year since opening. An event impossible for Fabio and Patrizio not to celebrate. For this reason, on Friday, May 24th, Woodstock will celebrate this moment in a big way by opening its doors to all friends, acquaintances, and even those who have never heard of it. There is only one condition: to show up dressed in 70s style.

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