She quit everything to raise goats in Cilento: the story of the journalist who opened a gourmet shop

Aug 24 2024, 13:31
A selection of international wines, homemade goat cheeses, and local delicacies, along with treats from other regions: Annacarla Tredici has created a small paradise of taste in the heart of Cilento

Those who write about food are often tempted to experience what it's like "on the other side": Annacarla Tredici, a food and wine journalist with a deep passion for wines, actually made that life change. First with the farm Tenuta Principe Mazzacane, which she opened in 2019 in Omignano, and then with Gustophia Dispensa Popolare, a shop that has become a meeting point for all food lovers in Cilento, where they can stock up on local delights and more.

The journalist who saved the Cilento goat breed

The stars of the shop are the homemade cheeses made from goat’s milk, but not just any goat’s milk. Alongside the Istituto di Alta Cultura Fondazione Giambattista Vico, Annacarla initiated the Vis Capra project to safeguard the ancient Cilento goat breed, a symbol of the region. Her farm primarily features these goats, "and also a few Alpine Chamois," with which she makes the famous Cacioricotta del Cilento "in five different aging stages," as well as yogurt, robiola, and French-style blue cheeses, "like the pyramid-shaped one with activated charcoal, which I’ve named Monte Stella." Hailing from Naples, Annacarla has goat farming in her blood: "My grandfather was one of the last breeders of the Neapolitan goat on Vesuvius, a breed that has since disappeared."

When she moved to Cilento, she was eager to start her own business and build something from the ground up: "After all, it’s still about storytelling. Before, I wrote stories; now, I talk with customers and share the rural culture of the area." That’s why she named her shop Dispensa Popolare, "because I focus on the most traditional work, that of the farmers." Starting out wasn’t easy: "Many young people return to their family land, but I did the opposite—I created mine from scratch. It took me two years just to find the right land; there were many abandoned plots, but the owners didn’t want to rent or sell them."

There is no identity without engaging with others

Goat cheeses are a key part of the shop (which she runs with her partner, Andrea Giuliano), but there’s also muzzarella co’ a mortedda, a local specialty wrapped in myrtle leaves, made by Cicco di Buono—"the best, in my opinion, made just as tradition dictates." Then there are preserves—like the pickled vegetables from I Contadini—extra virgin olive oil (from Marsicani, Fattoria Ambrosio), and many bottles of wine, both local and international: "The identity of the territory is important, but I believe it’s right to give space to everyone. It’s essential to engage with foreign colleagues when it comes to food."

Thus, in this inland shop, you can also find fine Champagnes: "I wanted to create a place where people could find alternative products, the kind of shop I was looking for when I moved here. Fortunately, the concept is well-received, especially by younger people aged 30 to 40." A place where, perhaps one day, you might even dine: "I’d like to host dinners with guest chefs... for now, we offer guided cheese and wine tastings."

Gustophia Dispensa Popolare – Omignano (SA) – via pedemontana - Facebook

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