Compared to 2014, according to the analysis of the wine market done by the Spanish Osservatorio (OEMV) based on data from the national institute of statistics (INE), the average price of a liter of wine amounts to an increase of 1.1% in volume and 5,1% in value. The average price also grew 4.1%.
Sales of DOP wines
In terms of quantity, the sale of DOP wines went down 11.1% while all products grew in terms of value, except for liqueurs and DOP rosés. Sales of red wine are more than double that of white (2.58 billion euros) with an increase of 18.3% of the average price to 2 euros per liter. Sales for non-DOP wines increased by 8.5% in quantity (2.7 billion euros) and 6.9% in value (1.1 billion euros), with an average price of .41 euros per liter, a decrease of 1.5%. Sales of DOP wines, both white and red, increased although rosés went down (-6.3%), representing barely 4% of the overall value. Spain needs more wine, however, and imports in the first semester of 2016 increased 37.6% in volume and 9.9% in value (to 80 million euros, despite the average price going down to 2.68 euros a liter. The biggest gain is seen in bulk wine, especially from Italy, the top provider, although the purchase of DOP wines and spumanti has also increased.