The best extra virgin olive oils of Calabria chosen by Gambero Rosso

Jul 13 2024, 13:35
One of Italy's most productive regions with a great variety of richness, Calabria once again this year showcases excellent and exciting productions, thanks to companies that have grown both in numbers and quality in recent years

Today, Calabria represents just under 15% of the national olive oil production. This is a very important source of green gold, with a history of olive cultivation that dates back to the Greek colonies of Locri, Sibari, Crotone, Squillace, and Reggio Calabria. The culture of olive growing continued with the Bruttii and Byzantines, then the Romans, before flourishing again around 1300 and reaching its peak during the Renaissance with the massive planting of olive trees that has shaped the regional landscape to this day.

The 2023/2024 Extra Virgin Olive Oil Campaign

The latest season has shown a positive trend across southern Italy. However, the increase was less significant compared to that of Apulia, mainly due to the marked differences between the Tyrrhenian side, which recorded a decline in volumes, and the Ionian side, which showed growth. In the latest edition of the Oli d'Italia guide, we highlighted an important cross-section of the best productions of the current year, allowing us to showcase extraordinary single-variety oils and blends from each province.

The Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils of Calabria 2024. The Three Leaves

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