Tre Bicchieri 2025: the 21 best wines from Campania awarded by Gambero Rosso

Oct 1 2024, 13:33
The exceptional quality of white wines from various areas of Campania, observed again this year, is no longer news. Instead, we want to highlight the positive signs coming from the red wine sector, which appears more focused compared to last year

The latest available data shows that the vineyard area in Campania now exceeds 25,000 hectares. These cover a wide range of diverse territories, each with its own production culture, varying exposures, and geological formations: volcanic areas like Roccamonfina, Vesuvius, and the Campi Flegrei region; the islands; high-altitude vineyards in Irpinia, reaching over 700 metres; and vineyards perched on the cliffs of the Amalfi Coast.

Campania’s wine landscape: a complex region

Campania is a complex region, both geologically and in terms of its grape varieties. Fiano, Greco, Falanghina, Aglianico, Piedirosso, Casavecchia, Pallagrello (both white and black), Pepella, Biancolella, and many others are turned into increasingly modern wines, which almost always manage to reflect the region's terroir.

Tre Bicchieri 2025 from Campania: positive signs for Aglianico (not Just Taurasi)

This year's tastings for the Vini d'Italia 2025 guide from Gambero Rosso were more than convincing. We won’t dwell on the obvious—the exceptional quality reached by white wines in various parts of the region, especially Fiano and Greco from Irpinia and Falanghina from Sannio. Instead, we’d like to say a few words about the red wine sector, which seems a little more focused compared to last year. The vitality and freshness of Piedirosso from the Campi Flegrei is no longer surprising, but we were pleasantly impressed by some versions of Taurasi, and Aglianico more generally, which managed to soften the variety’s powerful tannins. In short, there are positive signs for the red wine sector, which hadn’t shown much promise in recent editions.

Tre Bicchieri 2025 from Campania: white wines dominate

There are 21 Tre Bicchieri winners in this edition of the guide, 16 of which are white wines. Fiano di Avellino and Falanghina del Sannio take the spotlight, but Greco di Tufo also claims its place among the best. The return of Fiorduva from Marisa Cuomo and Zagreo from Cacciagalli, one of the most fascinating orange wines in Italy, rounds off the list.

Tre Bicchieri 2025 from Campania: the new entries

We welcome Mario Fappiano, a young winemaker from Sannio, into the Three Glasses club. In his first appearance in the guide, he has already won us over.

Tre Bicchieri 2025 from Campania: the awarded wines

Campi Flegrei Piedirosso 2021

Contrada Salandra

Fiano di Avellino 2023

Colli di Lapio

Greco di Tufo Cutizzi Ris. 2022

Feudi di San Gregorio

Irpinia Aglianico Audeno 2021

Masseria Della Porta

Taurasi 2021


Zagreo 2022

I Cacciagalli
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