Tre Bicchieri 2025: the best wines from Calabria awarded by Gambero Rosso – Cirò takes centre stage

Sep 23 2024, 13:21
The impressive return of Cirò and the success of sweet wines, bucking the trend compared to the rest of Italy, are the highlights of Calabria's growing wine scene

A first glance at the very encouraging results for Calabria's wine sector reveals several notable trends. The first is the success of sweet wines, often referred to by critics, following the great Veronelli, as "meditation wines."

Tre Bicchieri 2025 from Calabria: the success of sweet wines

This sector is going against the national trend: in Calabria, sweet wine production is growing, and with great success. Even when aged for long periods, like Moscato di Saracena from the Bisconte brothers of Feudo di San Severino, or the one produced by Biagio Diana in the same region, these wines continue to impress.

Tre Bicchieri 2025 from Calabria: Cirò’s grand comeback

The second standout is the grand return of Cirò. Thanks to many skilled producers, both established and new, Cirò is asserting itself as a great wine and a southern classic, distinguished by its undeniable elegance. Beyond the numbers, this year more than ever, we have the feeling that this historic Calabrian wine is set to make a prominent return to the international stage, on par with other famous southern DOC wines.

Tre Bicchieri 2025 from Calabria: a look at the South

We have previously discussed Calabria’s southern regions: the revolution we anticipated as more than just a fleeting trend is truly taking hold, with consistent quality. This growth is often driven by first-generation winemakers or those returning to the craft after other careers, committed to reviving local and family winemaking traditions. This resurgence also explains the return to dry vinification for Zibibbo and Greco di Bianco, as well as the growing use of Pecorello (Greco di Rogliano), which produces white wines of great originality and authority.

Tre Bicchieri 2025 from Calabria: the award-winning wines

In conclusion, we can only underline the excellent moment this region is experiencing. Calabria, with its unique strengths and grape varieties, is rapidly closing the gap with other regions, finding its own path to success. The wines from Calabria awarded *Tre Bicchieri* in the Gambero Rosso Vini d’Italia 2025 guide come from well-known producers, offering a reassuring sense of continuity.

Cirò Rosso Cl. Sup. Duca Sanfelice Ris. 2022 - Librandi

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