Where to eat by the sea in Pescara: the 5 best spots chosen by Gambero Rosso

Jun 19 2024, 18:09
Pizza or sandwich? Spaghetti or fried seafood? If you're not one to arrive at the beach already laden with provisions, here are five beach establishments on the Pescara coast that won’t disappoint when it comes to food

Beach habits vary greatly depending on the area, the level of beach facilities, and the type of tourist. Some prepare elaborate lunches with rice-stuffed tomatoes, eggplant parmesan, and watermelon; others get by with a sandwich or an ice cream between swims; and some need to sit at a table even in 45-degree shade. On the Pescara seafront, and generally along the Adriatic up to the Riviera Romagnola, the classic beach snack is the round pizza, the "al padellino" type, deliciously oily and perfect at any time, from mid-morning snack to a post-swim treat at sunset. For those looking for something more substantial before a siesta under the umbrella, there are some beach establishments with above-standard dining. Here are five recommendations for every budget and taste.

Where to eat by the sea in Pescara

Da Bacone

Restaurant. The Romano family, fishermen for generations, offer reliable and interesting beachside cuisine. Even just the mixed starter (a blend of classic and modern influences) is enough to satisfy, but save room for the homemade pasta dishes and brodetto. The modern dining room features an oyster bar for aperitifs, and there’s a beach-facing terrace. The drinks are good too.

Da Bacone – l.mare G. Matteotti, 54 – 085 4212280 - ristorantedabacone.it

Lido Oriente

Restaurant. Located near the North Pier – a walk there is recommended before or after your visit – this establishment has a nice terrace and a kitchen supplied by its own fishing boat. The fish is incredibly fresh, the style is basic and traditional, but it works well for those who value substance over form. It’s noisy and crowded on weekends, service is quick and friendly, and there are some good wines available. Make a reservation.

Lido Oriente - l.mare G. Matteotti, 3 - 085 4216571 - Facebook

Café Les Paillotes

Restaurant. The gourmet restaurant within one of the city's most glamorous beach clubs, Lido delle Sirene, in the Pineta Dannunziana area, has recently appointed Daniele D'Alberto (formerly of Nole, another renowned local restaurant) as the new executive chef, with Heinz Beck’s continued consultancy. His cuisine is full of personality, enhancing seafood with occasional land-based ingredients, revisiting tradition, and daring to innovate. The wine list is excellent.

Café Les Paillotes - p.zza Le Laudi, 2 - 085 61809 - lespaillotes.it

Trieste Pizza

Pan Pizza. This is *the* beach pizza for the people of Pescara: once, its aroma – the historic location is in the beach club always managed by the Ciferni family – officially marked the start of the season, and there was only the red pizza (white was available on order). Today, the beach club is open year-round and the brand has become a franchise with other locations in and out of the city. The flours and toppings are mostly organic, and the flavours are varied. But the lightness and taste remain unchanged.

Trieste Pizza – l.mare Matteotti, 102 - 085 4214038 - trieste.pizza

La Zattera


Restaurant. Located at the border with Francavilla al Mare, this restaurant offers cuisine above the standard beach club fare. Thanks to top-quality ingredients and the delicate, skilled touch of Angelo Lanaro, the bar has been raised over the years without exaggeration. Go for the array of appetisers, where the raw dishes will delight enthusiasts without overshadowing the cooked and warm options.

La Zattera – v.le Primo Vere, 67 – 333 2623817 - lazatteraristorante.com

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