Where to eat 'Pizza al taglio' in Naples and surroundings: the 11 best places chosen by Gambero Rosso

May 25 2024, 13:46
Recently, in Naples and throughout the region, the Roman-style pizza—thin, crispy, and crunchy—has become incredibly popular, both as pizza "alla pala" (baked on a paddle) and "in teglia" (baked in a tray)

Surprisingly, Naples and the rest of Campania have seen a proliferation of pizzerias serving 'pizza al taglio' (pizza by the slice). This Roman format, traditionally not found in the region, has become a hit, especially the highly hydrated "alla pala" style, which is also available in traditional pizzerias alongside the Neapolitan and pan pizzas. Here is a selection of 11 top places to enjoy pizza by the slice.

Where to eat pizza al taglio in Naples

Bucolico Forno Pop

Newly opened (March 2024), this place was much needed in Naples, located in the city center near San Domenico Maggiore. They offer pizza by the slice in both "teglia" and "pala" styles, featuring a crispy, well-risen, and easily digestible dough made with type 1 flour, malt, salt, and organic Cilento extra virgin olive oil. They also serve bread, sandwiches, and focaccia. The counter is a feast of colors and flavors, including toppings like potatoes and sausage, green and red peppers, yellow tomatoes, and stracciatella, as well as porchetta and provola. You can also opt for the simple white "pala" pizza to be filled with quality cold cuts (also for sale). Good selection of draft and bottled beers, as well as biodynamic wines.

Bucolico Forno Pop – via G. Paladino, 8 – 389 4219372 – www.instagram.com/bucolico_fornopop/

Casa de Rinaldi

Located in the Rione Alto area, Salvatore and his son Cristiano run a pizzeria that faithfully follows the guidelines of the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana, but also constantly experiments with different flours and naturally leavened doughs. In addition to classic round pizzas, they offer several variations of "pala" pizza, which is quite popular. The place also serves as a restaurant (with fresh pasta dishes and large salads) and a burger joint (with homemade buns). They offer craft beers and a wine list suitable for their menu.

Casa de Rinaldi – via A. e L. Sementini, 28 – 081 5466119-393 8539152 – www.derinaldi.it

Pizzeria La Notizia 94

This is the second location opened by renowned pizzaiolo Enzo Coccia, joined by his sons Andrea and Marco, featuring well-designed interiors with an open kitchen where the pizzas are prepared. These pizzas result from continuous studies and experiments, often in collaboration with the University of Federico II. In addition to ‘Mpustarelle (sandwiches) and traditional pizzas, they offer unique variations like the "rutiello" with San Marzano DOP tomatoes, fiordilatte from Agerola, grated Grana Padano, EVO DOP oil, and basil, as well as another with Piennolo DOP tomatoes, Gaeta olives, capers, garlic, oregano, EVO oil, and basil. They also have a selection of wines and craft beers.

Pizzaria La Notizia 94 – via M. da Caravaggio, 94 – 081 19531937 – www.pizzarialanotizia.com

Where to eat tray Pizza outside Naples


Capaldo Forno Contemporaneo

A new-generation bakery run by the talented and young Guglielmo Capaldo, who, together with his family, is elevating the baking standards in the city (and beyond, starting from their origins at Antico Forno Capaldo in Atripalda). In a modern, well-curated shop, amidst daily baked loaves and bread, their excellent "pala" pizza has gained attention. It features long fermentation, careful flour selection, and high hydration, resulting in a product known for its crispiness, lightness, and flavor. The slices are offered with various toppings, ensuring a wide selection.

Capaldo Forno Contemporaneo – Avellino – via L. Amabile, 78 – 329 7343563 – www.facebook.com/p/Capaldo-forno-contemporaneo/

Aversa (CE)

La Grotta del Buono

In the historic center, with the added benefit of a spacious and pleasant garden for nice weather, this place blends flavors and atmospheres. Their pizzas are known for their lightness, from the classics to "pala" pizzas made with type 2 flour for high hydration and long fermentation. A standout is the Zio Tobia, with provola from Agerola, pork sausage, and sautéed friarielli. They also serve fried appetizers and dishes highlighting quality ingredients. Good pairing options are available, including cocktails. They cater to intolerances as well.

La Grotta del Buono – Aversa (CE) – corso Bersaglieri, 23 – 081 5045316 – www.facebook.com/grottadelbuono/

Mariglianella (NA)


Founded by biologist Carlo di Cristo and food technologist Salvatore Kosta, this place has a systematic approach to baking. They offer both Neapolitan and "pala" pizzas, depending on whether you prefer a fragrant or crispy crust, with traditional and modern, seasonal recipes. Lunch options include stuffed buns, ciabattas, salads, and vegetarian sandwiches. Their bread in all forms is impressive, the fried foods are indulgent, and the sweet baked goods are a great way to end a meal. They also offer a good selection of craft beers from Campania, including on tap. They have another location in Naples.

Foorn – Mariglianella (NA) – via Variante 7Bis, 22 – 081 8416131 – www.foorn.it

Pomigliano d’Arco (NA)

Quà Pizzeria

Brothers Matteo and Manuele Del Cuoco, who opened the excellent Rostì rotisserie in 2020, have recently expanded with Quà Pizzeria. They specialize in crispy Roman-style pizza, made fresh with a 24-hour leavened dough created with Giuseppe Granata, a baker and pizzaiolo from Sant’Anastasia. It is topped with quality ingredients and baked in an electric oven, then served already cut into four square pieces. Among the 11 flavors currently available are Porchetta and Potatoes with smoked provola and Nerano with zucchini cream and chips, sausage, and Parmigiano cream. Good fried options are also available.

Quà Pizzeria – Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) – via F. Terracciano, 183 – 328 4507025 – www.quapizzeria.it

I Vesuviani

The Di Maria brothers skillfully and passionately offer a range of pizzas, from Neapolitan to tray-baked, and from "padellino" to "pala", each with its own dough and flour type. Their Margherita is available in all four dough types and baking methods, and their crispy Provola e Pepe with roasted tomato cream, Parmigiano Reggiano, pepper, buffalo provola, EVO oil, and basil is another classic. Their wholemeal pan pizza, made with poolish and sourdough, steamed and topped with buffalo stracciatella, Parma ham, and crushed hazelnuts, is not to be missed. They also have a location in Casoria.

I Vesuviani – Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) – Castello di Cisterna – via Madonnelle, 65 – 081 3296996 – www.pizzeriaivesuviani.it

Portici (NA)


Marco Ricchetti's immense passion for pizza involves his wife Carmela and their daughter Angela, with the family running this successful venue in the Naples hinterland. Since opening in February 2022, they have offered "pala" pizza with a highly digestible dough and carefully selected ingredients. Examples include the Bacàlaiò (with sun-dried tomatoes, cod nuggets, Gaeta olives, confit tomatoes, garlic mayonnaise, basil, EVO oil, and flavored bread crumbs) and the Sorrento (with provola from Agerola, red and yellow date tomatoes, anchovies, olives, oregano, basil, and EVO oil). They also offer panuozzi and fried foods.

Ricchetti – Portici (NA) – via G. Poli, 86 – 389 1846595-081 19184900 – www.ricchettipizza.it

Roccapiemonte (SA)

La Pizza di Polichetti

Antonio Polichetti's pizza is memorable, with carefully selected ingredients and a 72-hour fermentation process for four versions: round, in the pan, "pala", and triple-cooked (steamed, fried, and baked). Each pizza comes with a recommended wine or beer pairing. Standouts include the Assoluta with pan-fried artichokes, burnt garlic powder, cow provola, and a parsley and chervil salad. Another must-try is the Conciato with provola, Casertano black pork guanciale, San Gerardo sun-dried tomatoes, Roman conciato cheese, fresh basil, and EVO DOP oil. Homemade desserts are also available.

La Pizza di Polichetti – Roccapiemonte (SA) – frazione Casali-San Potito via Calvanese, 92 – 081 3231035 – www.lapizzadipolichetti.it

San Giorgio a Cremano (NA)

Bani’s Pizzeria

Run by the enthusiastic young Bani brothers, Luca and Marco, this venue has carved out a place for itself in an area known for the Salvo brothers' reign. They have achieved this with quality from the start, especially with their pizza, including the Roman-style rolled out with a rolling pin. It has gained well-deserved success for its light dough and expert baking. Ingredients play a crucial role, starting with EVO oil. They also offer fried foods (the fries with meatballs and cheddar sauce are addictive), typical Neapolitan "cuoppo", crocchè, arancini, and homemade desserts.

Bani’s Pizzeria – via P. Togliatti, 80 – 081 0191468 – www.instagram.com/banispizzeria

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