Where to eat raw fish in Bari: top spots selected by Gambero Rosso

Jun 10 2024, 15:19
You can't leave Bari without trying the "fisherman's breakfast" at Molo San Nicola: sea urchins, fasolari clams, hairy mussels, and octopuses curled up right in front of you, to be enjoyed in their pure form with bread and a squeeze of lemon. Here, high-quality seafood is abundant, and there are plenty of good restaurants and trattorias across the city where you can indulge in raw fish feasts. Here are the must-try spots

Bari is the largest port on the Adriatic and one of the major ports in the entire Mediterranean. It is a city rich in history and culinary traditions, which has undergone significant revitalization in recent years. Bari Vecchia and its rituals have become iconic, and the entire city offers numerous opportunities for vacations filled with art, the sea, and great food. Fish is a religion here, especially raw fish that arrives at Molo San Nicola, the symbolic place of the locals' "breakfast." To truly understand the local customs and the city's deep connection to the sea, you must visit in the morning and be "served" by the fishermen with their fresh catch. Mussels, local oysters, squids, freshly curled octopuses, and sea urchins enjoyed with bread—this bounty is the real fisherman's breakfast, served on plastic plates for a few euros. This remarkable experience begins at N’ dèrr’a la lanze, between Molo Sant’Antonio and Circolo Canottieri Baroni, marking the start of our journey to discover the best raw fish spots in Bari.

Where to eat raw fish in Bar


With a perfect location for lunch or dinner with a sea view, a carefully curated atmosphere that sets the mood, and a cuisine born from a strict selection of raw ingredients and some creative ideas, Assudiest excels in raw seafood. From pure shellfish and mollusks to tartares and dishes focusing on the primary ingredient, you can also enjoy meat specialties among the first and second courses. The wines, liquors, and spirits are also commendable.

Assudiest - via Giovanni di Cagno Abbrescia, 17/b - 080 4033978 - Facebook

Bella Bari

Riccardo Lorusso, the founder of this beloved central establishment, passed away last February, but his children continue the tradition. The place is classic, as is the menu, featuring traditional Puglian dishes with a focus on seafood and a generous variety of raw fish to start the meal.

Bella Bari - via Roberto da Bari, 141/143 - 347 6675482 - bellabari.it


A clean and sober spot in the center, this is a well-established destination for seafood cuisine with pure selections worth returning for. The menu includes seafood, fresh fish fillets of the day, and bluefish sashimi with watermelon soup, among other options, accompanied by unconventional wines. While seafood is the specialty, well-prepared land dishes, like the tortello alla boscaiola with caciocavallo and parsley sauce, are also available.

Biancofiore - c.so Vittorio Emanuele II, 13 – 080 5235446 - ristorantebiancofiore.it

Boutique dei Frutti di Mare

The Carofiglio family has been fishermen for generations. Today, the descendants of Domenico (known as Minguccio Gagang), a seasoned seaman and the shop's founder, have expanded the business to include wholesale. The counter displays the best local seafood, a paradise for raw fish lovers: red prawns, hairy mussels, flat oysters, mussels, fasolari clams, razor clams, squids, octopuses, and more.

Boutique dei frutti di mare - l.mare C. Colombo, 10 - 080 5303070 - boutiquedeifruttidimare.it

Ai 2 Ghiottoni

The sea dominates the menu at this historic restaurant in the Murattiano district, under the same family management for over half a century. Known for its "spaghetti all'assassina," a new classic of Bari's cuisine, it’s also a great spot for seafood, with an assortment of raw fish that offers great satisfaction.

Ai 2 Ghiottoni – via Putignani, 11 – 080 5232240 - ai2ghiottoni.it

U’ Gnore

A reliable choice, also serving as an extension of a historic fish market (Ciccil U’ Gnore, Viale Unità d’Italia 33). The fried dishes are good, but the initial seafood platter is unbeatable. Open from 19:30 to 23:00, except on Sundays. The market operates from 8:00 to 15:00 and 17:30 to 21:00, with take-away service from 10:30 to 15:00 and 17:30 to 21:00.

U’ gnore - c.so Alcide de Gasperi, 296 – 338 8889986 - Facebook


A well-established spot boasting a great location, sea view, and a spacious terrace suitable for events and private parties. The raw seafood here is served simply to highlight the high-quality ingredients, from mixed platters to tartares, possibly garnished with sprouts and herbs. In summer, there is a "ristofish" on the beach.

L'incanto - l.mare Cristoforo Colombo, 237 - 366 2220670 - lincantosantospirito.it

Al Pescatore

A historical place in the heart of Bari Vecchia, with clean and essential lines, a counter with fresh fish on display, and an outdoor area with a view of the Castello Svevo. The menu offers a discovery of the sea: imperial raw (cuttlefish tagliatelle, oysters, sea truffles, mussels, and sea urchins), orecchiette with octopus ragout, fried paranza, potatoes, rice, and mussels. Freshly cooked fish is available grilled or filleted. The wine selection is top-notch, and the establishment includes a convenient B&B.

Al Pescatore – piazza Federico II di Svevia, 6 – 080 5237039 - Facebook

La Pesciera

Oysters, cuttlefish, walnuts, swordfish carpaccio, prawns, marinated salmon—the appetizers promise great things, and the cooked dishes (like monkfish gratin with herbs on ‘nduja sauce and zucchini alla scapece, or seared and baked amberjack with parmentier sauce and marinated salicornia) meet expectations. A well-stocked fish counter and shopping opportunities complete the experience at this “ristofish” with years of experience.

La Pesciera - via De Rossi, 159 – 0809187329 - lapesciera.it

Tabula Rasa

A modern and well-kept place, in shades of gray, where you can appreciate seafood cuisine with a modern touch. However, the raw seafood is treated with utmost care, both in the selection of ingredients and presentation. Oysters, mussels, scallops, red prawns, cuttlefish julienne, fasolari clams—everything is fresh from the local fishermen's boats. A good wine selection and rooms for overnight stays add to the appeal.

Tabula Rasa - via Orfeo Mazzitelli, 268 - 329 3040917/080 5046262 - tabularasabari.it

Le Rune

In Torre a Mare, an old fishing village a few hundred meters from the seafront, there's this "biomediterranean" tavern with a beautiful terrace. Besides seasonal and non-local raw ingredients, there's a selection of raw seafood prominently featured on the menu. Don't miss the oyster tasting, as well as various tartare and sashimi options.

Le Rune - loc. Torre a Mare - l.go G. Leopardi, 7 - 333 4550930 - lerunecucinabiomediterranea.it

cover photo La Bella di Bari

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