Starting today on the website are all the official previews of the wines awarded with Tre Bicchieri recognition. Let's start with Sicily.
Sicily is in great shape and with a thousand facets. Reflecting on our long tasting sessions, the most numerous ever, there are some aspects that we wish to underline: the constant rise to fame of Etna wines continues, in our Guide and on the market, confirming the extraordinary importance of a terroir that has attracted important capital and professionals from the rest of Italy and beyond; and then the growth in demand for Sicilian whites, like from grillo grapes, a variety that was neglected until a few years ago. But also whites from other native grape varieties, such as catarratto and zibibbo, carricante, grecanico, inzolia and malvasia di Lipari: all very strong on the domestic market and export.
Sicilian wine amid cooperative wineries, sustainability and natural wines
The general picture also highlights the consolidation of numerous cooperative wineries dedicated to quality and the growth of wineries in the "natural" or "tending to natural" sector: they are very aggressive and competent, and give life to wines that are very pleasant and drinkable in their specific market segments, wines that today are highly appreciated by a large body of consumers. There is also great excitement in the sustainability sector, which has seen, open to all wineries on the island, the birth of the SOStain Sicilia Foundation - promoted by the Consortium for the Protection of Vini Doc Sicilia and Assovini Sicilia - dedicated to promoting ethical and sustainable development of Sicily wines through scientific tools and best practices.
The newest Tre Bicchieri of Sicily
Ultimately, we bid a warm welcome to the wineries that for the first time have obtained Tre Bicchieri: Gorghi Tondi with their Sicilia Grillo Kheirè '21; I Custodi delle Vigne dell'Etna with Aedes '21, and Maugeri, with Etna Bianco Superiore Contrada Volpare Frontebosco '21. From all this emerges a portrait of an extraordinarily dynamic Sicilian wine scene. It is a region aimed at enhancing its best terroirs, Etna in the first place, which collects all the requests of the Italian and international market, processes them and quickly responds to demand with products that are always ace as far as price and quality. This means that at the helm of the ship there are seafarers who have the culture, vision and experience to face all oceans, even the stormiest.
Contrada S 2020
Etna Bianco A' Puddara 2020
Etna Bianco Aedes 2021
Etna Rosso Alta Mora 2019
Etna Rosso Archineri 2020
Etna Rosso Arcurìa 2020
Etna Rosso Contrada Calderara 2019
Etna Rosso Contrada Rampante Tenuta Tascante 2019
Etna Rosso Feudo di Mezzo 2019
Etna Rosso Piano dei Daini 2020
Etna Rosso Rumex 2020
Etna Rosso Vulkà 2020
Family and Friends Grillo 2021
Faro 2020
Grotta dell'Oro 2021
Infatata 2021
Monreale Bianco V. di Mandranova 2020
Passito di Pantelleria Ben Ryé 2019
Salealto Tenuta Ficuzza 2020
Sicilia Grillo Carolina Marengo Kisa 2020
Sicilia Grillo Kheirè 2021