Agricultural enterprises in Italy
What good has 2020 brought? Very little, given a balance of losses and calamities that are difficult to bear. Good news, however, is that coming from the Italian countryside, validating a trend that has been going on for some time: more and more young people in Italy are pursuing the dream of working the land. By investing resources and ideas in projects that are slowly renewing the approach to the trade, in the sign of environmentally and economically sustainable innovation.
Over the last five years, the number of young farmers has grown by 14%, with a significant jump in the course of 2020. Data are provided by Coldiretti on investment in the under-35 Italian industry, who are increasingly attracted by the countryside to the detriment of other production activities. With more than 55,000 under 35 in charge of agricultural businesses and livestock, Italy – is the European leader in the number of agricultural projects led by young people. This suggests that agriculture may at last prove to be a great opportunity for future generations. The next objective is to cut red tape for access to credit.