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Top Italian Restaurants 2022

The Restaurant of the Year overlooks the North Sea, the...
15 Dec. 2021, 12:12

Casolaro, the art of mise en place

After more than a century of commercial activity, the company...
06 Dec. 2021, 10:28
1 27 28 29 30 31 77

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Week of Italian cuisine in the world. No distance between Tokyo and Naples with a good pizza

Napoli sta’ ca’’ in Tokyo is the Pizzeria of the Year for the Top Italian Restaurants guide 2021

Moreno Cedroni launches his Orto Marittimo in Senigallia. For the restaurant and for the community

Orto Marittimo is a space planted with aromatic herbs on the Senigallia seafront. It feeds kitchens but also restores beauty to the marine landscape of Marzocca, as it was until the 1960s. Moreno Cedroni's idea takes shape.

Week of Italian cuisine in the world. Rare as gold in Germany: Mario Gamba

Mario Gamba's Italian restaurant in Munich is a real gem of Italian cuisine in Germany. Here's the interview with the chef.
1 27 28 29 30 31 51
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