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It was the year...snippets of modern history of wine in Italy

The dates that have marked the history of modern Italian...
13 May. 2021, 04:28

The nonna and the international marketing of Italian food

Italian cuisine has been gaining enormous terrain in terms of...
12 May. 2021, 08:28
1 35 36 37 38 39 77

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Mini-lockdown: new closures will cost Italian wine 1.2 billion Euro

The last quarter of the year, with the onset of the holiday season, is historically the most profitable. But the anti-Covid restrictions will condition the budgets of wineries already affected by the firat springtime lockdown. Will the new Government Decree...

The best pizzerias in Florence: all the addresses

Journey in to the pizza art of Florence, discovering the best pizzerias in the city.

Farmstead cheeses: small producers in Lazio. Caterina Maceroni and Maria Pia

A new column on the theme of artisanal and agricultural products, what had originally decreed the success of the television show "AB...Cheese." In it, Eleonora Baldwin presents new small farmstead cheese producers. Let's start with two women in the Ciociaria...
1 35 36 37 38 39 51
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