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008ee5684b4759024d3772e133f5b440 3521db3dbea3f292282fbd04fd5c72b9 36fbfe4a6d2edfad0e381aa8b484bdf9 554c5597b8be0f94dc7b321351afd21b 560139a14c334930744c05cb6dbeb3fa 78d2da0013672230448f1472b5800a0d 7a55c72b8e5ca4f8d5034a6a91d01f3c 87b4aa80b5576c9b0ed2d94e0f4daa3e 8bd53cdcb4a0f94f59cc4eb839e3ec63 8c9215bdebf8beb6ec765d1cafda6641 a55dae17a00221833013733f5fc74fd7 baked-goods bakery beer c5b33edbf1707d3c87147635e1b4644f catering charcuterie cheese chocolate coffee-shop db937d28bb212a0f1f3f3b77b710f7f5 delicatessen distillery dried-fruit e20557e259e1851202253543b99ae103 eggs ethnic extra-virgin-olive-oil fdb1d3b8fd55122b0318dcd5b447e198 frozen-food honey ice-cream milk-and-dairy natural-food olive-oil olive-oil-producer pasta pastry-shop patisserie pizza pizzeria preserved-fish recipe restaurant rice snacks sweets trattoria vinegar wine wine-bar wine-list wine-list- wine-producer
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brussels hong-kong new-york providence tokyo luxembourg barcelona prague sao-paulo amsterdam sydney vancouver wien edinburgh dublin bratislava darmstadt lugano johannesburg jakarta calgary tallinn geneva goppingen hagen cologne taipei rio-de-janeiro shenzhen scottsdale osaka munich melbourne houston zurich spiez la-valletta hamburg hanover konigstein langenargen bangkok bordeaux madrid beijing 26848cfd5bb20c9ae4dc83db8dd3b691 thun patmos frankfurt zhubei-city nagoya miami philadelphia berlin chicago san-francisco oakland moscow los-angeles mexico-city dusseldorf london dubai singapore toronto montreal washington boston san-diego verona shanghai macau san-mateo brisbane hobart seoul oslo san-giovanni-in-persiceto cape-town pieta stockholm copenhagen paris palo-alto kyiv helsinki buenos-aires santiago dakar tel-aviv lisbon glasgow varsavia lima sofia st.-petersburg altissimo colle-santa-lucia bc14d9dc1904ece860b954a1b45b3854 isola-della-scala lonigo miane malcesine valdobbiadene montecchio-precalcino alpago rubano venezia campagna-lupia preganziol scorze mira oderzo fumane costermano 7e7ade4aad3b041fa3573e75fc4ba059 conselve san-bonifacio marghera follina sernaglia-della-battaglia brenzone roncade pontelongo zero-branco ronca mezzane-di-sotto mestre san-martino-buon-albergo arzignano montebelluna jesolo borgoricco val-liona asiago cavallino-treporti schio este bosco-chiesanuova belluno treviso san-dona-di-piave campodoro 52e413099c098a760a5e9fd351029d92 chioggia vicenza cazzano-di-tramigna barbarano-vicentino bussolengo padova cavaion-veronese alano-di-piave conegliano arqua-petrarca calalzo-di-cadore oppeano montegalda bassano-del-grappa sommacampagna garda san-pietro-in-cariano marano-vicentino pescantina velo-veronese san-giovanni-lupatoto cerea vigonza villafranca-di-verona mogliano-veneto grezzana feltre motta-di-livenza trebaseleghe vittorio-veneto refrontolo legnaro san-vito-di-cadore fontanelle asolo monselice valeggio-sul-mincio camisano-vicentino dueville rosa ponte-nelle-alpi rovigo ponte-di-piave mirano portogruaro san-giorgio-delle-pertiche noale salzano abano-terme marostica selvazzano-dentro tezze-sul-brenta peschiera-del-garda la-valle-agordina albignasego castelfranco-veneto farra-di-soligo pederobba san-zenone-degli-ezzelini dolo montecchio-maggiore limana breganze noventa-di-piave cassola villaverla valdagno curtarolo pieve-di-soligo lamon badia-polesine mareno-di-piave knokke nice saragozza falkenberg frederiksberg antwerp auckland ho-chi-min-city seattle rhode-island phuket las-vegas belgrado gothenburg austin waiheke-island cambridge queenstown victoria noosa lenswood bogota denver newport-beach alisio-viejo danville campbell tahoe berkley
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News Nello trained in the Trussardi restaurant kitchen in Milano, survived a period with Alain Ducasse, worked with for two years with Heinz Beck at La Pergola in Rome and another two with René Redzepi in his Noma, in Copenhagen. Today,...
The most iconic dish? For me, it’s tripe.” Giovanni Passerini is unique among the Italian chefs whom we have met outside our country. He left his home in Rome ten years ago, and honed his trade between the haute cuisine...
Top Italian Restaurants. The Reason Why, Criteria & Credits Abundant carbohydrates, heavy on the red sauce, and a good dose of folklore. Italian restaurants abroad have lived on that reputation for a long time. Until a few years ago, Italian...