The Rana family have made quality a centerpiece of their work, building a reputation that's become difficult to follow. Every aspect of Ristorante Famiglia Rana has been studied at length: the perfect restyling of the original space, situated amidst ancient olive trees and an organic vegetable garden, and adorned with a cellar of 800 different wines. The choice of chef is also spot on. Giuseppe D'Aquino knows the territory well thanks to his extensive experience at Oseleta, but hasn't let his past limit his range. Three tasting menus are available (Storia, Natura and Giro del Mondo), testifying to the Neapolitan chef's eclecticism. But they still manage to surprise for the "blended" vision that's on display: panzanella and squid nighiri, crab gyoza, Finnish sashi cuberoll. In short, a restaurant that's aiming high.