
Gelato in Naples: the 3 best gelaterias in town

[caption id="attachment_138529" align="alignnone" width=""]Gelato al lampone[/caption] In the birthplace of pizza, home of robust cuisine and realm of tasty pastry, there is also room for quality homemade gelato. The places for the best gelato in Naples are few, but solid.

Milan counts more than 500 Botteghe Storiche, such as Al Matarel, Pasticceria Gattullo, and the Sartori gelato kiosk

Ossobuco and traditional minestrone in the historic Brera trattoria, the panettone at Gattullo since 1961, and the oldest gelaterie in the city. There are many dining and food shopping places in the newly updated list of Botteghe Storiche in Milan,...
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