

The brothers' fiordilatte mozzarella, available in various formats (knots, braids and bite-sized morsels called "ciliegine"), is one of their specialties. Appealing and delicious, it's clean and honest in its sweet, delicate aromas and flavors. Readily discernible, fresh and youthful milky...

Granduca di Mandas

Produced using sheep's milk that arrives daily from the pastures of the Sardinian countryside, Granduca di Mandas is Caseificio Garau's flagship product. A pecorino with a distinct personality, it's crafted into large portions and aged for 150 days. The result...

Olive Bosana di Sardegna

The olives, once harvested and cleaned of branches and leaves, are washed and selected. Then they're immersed in a brine (frequently changed) of water, salt, and lemon for at least 12 months. Sardinian Bosana olives range from green to brown...
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