

A world leader in the production of primary foods like milk and its derivatives, but also of fruit-based drinks. It brands milk in all its variants: fresh and long-life, from Premium Blue, the first in Italy made with microfiltration, to...


Galbani is an larger-than-life company, which opened in 1880, when Egidio Galbani started to produce cheese with the intention of competing with the French. Robiola Galbani was then launched and was a great success, its fame crossing national boundaries. Bel...

Di Nucci

The company is also known outside the region for its dairy products, produced in pure Molise sheep-rearing tradition. Despite having a family-style business model, its working methods and professional standards bring to mind a modern, energetic company. Each product has...


This farm can boast excellent organic production of cheese, made from Comiso ewe milk. In the 1990s the business was revamped and acquired a system of mechanized milking, but retained natural feed for livestock. The entire production cycle is nonetheless...

Val d'Apsa

The company, on the Urbino slope, preserves traditions rooted in the recipes handed down for centuries but also responds to growing market demands by installing state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The dairy is outstanding also for its use of milk collected...

F.lli Beretta

The head office is at Trezzo sull'Adda while about 20 plants specializing in various charcuterie products are scattered across northern Italy. The story of Beretta pressed meats began at Barzanò Brianza, Lecco, in 1812, and the reins of the company...


The first honey sweet dates back to 1930, thanks to the ingenious idea of Giovanni Battista Ambrosoli who wanted a practical way to have a small portion of honey constantly available. Ambrosoli was a young industrial chemist working on the...

De Cecco dal 1886

Before producing pasta at Fara San Martino, don Nicola De Cecco made the best flour in the district in his stone mill. His son Filippo began making pasta, and in 1886 the Molino e Pastificio dei Fratelli De Cecco was...

De Rica

In 1912, a factory with 20 workers in the Piacenza countryside was using cooking and pureeing equipment to can tomatoes and vegetables. In 1932, Giuseppe Bianchi bought the company and developed production without setbacks, even during the war. The factory...


More than 100 years of presence on Italian tables may suffice to describe the history of the Parma company located in the heart of the Parma food valley. Founder Giovanni Mutti understood the importance of alternating crops, still applied today....
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