

It was the 1960s, with a boom in the economy and a fashion for modern things, also at the table. Rio Mare hit the bull's-eye by meeting the new Italian demands. Starting with the famous pink tin, which was to...


The fame of master patisseur Luigi Biasetto has long crossed national borders, thanks above all to his many awards and accolades. His skill and creativity, and his passion, have made him the inventor of impeccable delights, verging on perfection, in...


Consorzio Gran Paradiso Natura

Cooperativa Consorzio Produttori Frutta

Consorzio Tutela Nocciola Piemonte Igp

Consorzio di tutela del Basilico Genovese

Molino Spadoni

Molino di Vinovo, built between Ravenna and Forlì by the historic Pier Capponi family, has been milling grain since 1445. Owned by the Spadoni family since 1923, it has chosen to invest in cutting-edge milling technology with the objective of...
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