
Sapor Maris

This artisanal fish-smoking facility on the outskirts of Rome opened in 2009 thanks to the resourcefulness of two true foodies. A passion for angling and a cult approach to cuisine applied for 25 years in the artisanal smoking of fish...

Nutri Mare

The brand was established 50 years ago and acquired by Nutri Mare, a name englobing centuries of human seafaring experience. One product line is AD 1340 Tonnara dell'Orsa, dedicated to a Sicilian tradition based around tuna and tuna and mackerel...

La Peonia Cose Buone di Sardegna

A new adventure began in 1995 for these botargo producers, already known in Sardinia, who decided to distribute their products throughout Italy, starting with Rome and Milan, where they have two stores. Their strength is a raw material fished in...


Bruno Carilli, a fan of Belgian and British beers above all, opened his microbrewery in 2008. In no time at all the operation has won the heart of many a beer enthusiast and recently the facility has been expanded significantly....

32 Via dei Birrai

One of Italy's best and most famous breweries, 32 Via dei Birrai, was the brainchild of three partners, who were passionate about creating a new product in the beer-making landscape, both in style and concept. Quality, originality and research underpin...

San Gabriel

Founded in 1997 by beer sommelier Gabriele Tonon, this is a prestigious company based in a stately home near a Benedictine Abbey which once produced beverages with therapeutic properties, including beer. There is an almost manic attention to ingredients, pure...


This "independent brewery", as they call themselves, was so successful that at the end of last year they opened a new facility and recently purchased land in Val d'Astino for growing hops, raspberries, blackberries, pumpkins, and medicinal herbs for their...

Birrificio Italiano

One of the first in the region and now with almost two decades of experience behind it, this craft microbrewery stands out for dependability and quality standards. It produces about 16 different types of beer, some of which have won...


Valter Loverier started out as an amateur brewer who managed to turn his passion into a real business. His love for the world of beer making means he selects all ingredients carefully, many for the local area, including the Slow...

Capovilla Distillati

Artisans of the calibre of Gianni Capovilla can be counted on the fingers of one hand in the distillery world. His passion for spirits dates back to 1974, but became tangible with the production of pure products made from impeccable...
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