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Tortellini bolognesi

Perfect, thin pastry, relatively low price, online sales, availability in gourmet shops, 90-day shelf-life, good quality on all fronts. What more could you want from a fresh tortellino, made according to Bolognese tradition and the registered recipe? The shelf-life is achieved thanks to an innovative pasteurisation process, which guarantees hygiene and food safety of the product, at the same time...
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Preserved Fish

Trota La Regina di San Daniele

A smoked salmon trout with beautiful texture and excellent meltiness. The aromatic texture is characterised by a delicate hint of smoke, which aims to enhance and bring out the flavour of this lean, well-compacted meat. It is processed immediately after being caught using traditional methods and only natural ingredients. The light smoking is characterised by a process using wood flour,...
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Uova Biologiche

An egg to drink, you might say. Strong, ancient, classic, it is an egg that tastes like an egg, certified organic and available in natural product shops, first and foremost the Ecor-NaturaSì supermarkets. The yolk is deep orangey yellow, dense and fat. The sensations are characteristic, expressed above all on the palate: full sweet and savoury flavour, intensity and persistence,...
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Vecchia Brianza Chocolab Srl

Sovico [MB]
Vecchia Brianza was founded in 1969 as a small family confectionery shop, and today, thanks to an intelligent generational transition, it is a reality that, combining craftsmanship and technology, has created a true Italian style in chocolate making. Vecchia Brianza Chocolab has made high quality and customisation of production in every aspect (from recipes to packaging to formats) its hallmark,...
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Vecchio Varzi

Varzi [PV]
Pig breeding was already practised in the Staffora Valley by the ancient Romans. The charcuterie factory was established in the centre of Varzi in 1974, heir to a pork butchering tradition dating back to the early Middle Ages. At the beginning of the 2000s, the salumificio moved to grow and equip itself with modern facilities. It is now celebrating its...
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Preserved Fish

Ventresca di tonno rosso del Mediterraneo in olio evo

Ventresca is obtained from the noblest part of the tuna caught in the Mediterranean Sea, the belly, which is particularly soft, fatty and tasty. The fillets, with a deep antique pink colour and velvety texture, soft to the bite and melting, have a delicate aromatic profile, sweet and with a very controlled savouriness, balanced but characteristic, with references to fish...
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Preserved Fish

Ventresca di tonno rosso in olio d’oliva

Adelfio bluefin tuna belly is processed by hand, in full respect of tradition. The ventresca is the most valuable part of the bluefin tuna, obtained from the belly. It is characterised by a deep pink flesh, a good texture and a tasty flavour. After being caught, the tuna is entirely processed fresh in the factory, from the selection of pieces...
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milk and dairy

Yogurt al latte di bufala

San Salvatore white buffalo yoghurt is produced only with buffalo milk from the farm's own herd. At the correct storage temperature, the product reaches a shelf-life of 35 days. This is possible thanks to the attention paid to the entire chain, starting from the breeding, which is bred almost exclusively with fodder from its own production, to the potting, in...
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milk and dairy

Yogurt bianco compatto intero

A yoghurt of the highest quality that bears the signature of Fattoria La Frisona. It has a compact, gelatinous texture that becomes creamy and dense after scooping. The colour tends towards yellow, the intense aroma is that of noble milk milked daily, and on tasting it is characterised by its fresh acidity and persistent flavour. It can be purchased online...
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